miércoles, 30 de julio de 2008

Summer in San Luis Potosí

Rain has come to the state where I was born...
In the south of Mexico we're used to seeing rains the whole year. Yet in the centre of the country it doesn't rain very often. San Luis Potosí's weather is generally dry in three seasons. But in summer it's always bucketing down.
So actually, the Potosino people is not prepared to receive storms and this time of the year all the state gets wet. Just look at the photo down here: it seems a nice river with an ancient bridge, doesn't it? Well, it isn't!! It's an avenue... yes, for cars and all that.

In the following pic, you can see a little turbulence. It's there because of a "tope" (or as you call it in England: "speed-bump").

This is another view from this avenue:
When the storm's over, the sky clears. This is a little building that lies near the flood:
Despite the rain, Potosino summer is warm. People go out a lot and have afternoon-walks in the parks... but when the rain arrives, these wills get frustrated! If you want to go to these green zones you need comfortable clothes: jeans and t-shirt, or a light-shirt like my father's in this pic:

And girls wear white-coloured light-clothes (what the hell was that? Haha) to avoid the heat. But my sister here has decided to cover this little baby with a jacket, 'cos the wet wind is bad for her.

Bloody hell! This pleasure was short! The rain's here again: the clouds hide the sun and the park gets dark.

2 comentarios:

Miguel dijo...

So... what's exactly all this about? Who would ever think it, you've been creating such an space. Nice, you know. And at last I see that famous avenue/river back there in San Luis. What's even more amazing is how many blogs you have.

So, I just came on viasiting and left a message. So, I'll be coming a little more often, and hope you get something else into your blog. See ya!


Notice this was a very ad hoc comment according to the language in the blog... by the way, what's the reason for writing it in English? Well, you'll tell me later... going to eat. See ya!

¿Anayram o Mariana? ... dijo...

YOUR BLOG IS BLooDY COOL! REmember? jejeje
See you!
Kisses!:D SMILE!