Sobremesa después de la cena (Sobremesa after dinner). Calpulalpan, Tlax. Foto: Daniel Orizaga
Sobremesa styles are different according to each family's habits: you may read a chapter of a book and talk about it, you discuss about politics or philosophy, you talk about funny anecdotes happened during the week, you tell your experiences in your last holiday-trip, or you just talk about whatever you want.
It's important if you have non-relative-people there (I mean, friends or sth.). Generally, when this happens, sobremesas are much longer and the conversation is about the guest. And of course, the family-members' manners change (they're kind and speak 'smartly').
No doubt, in every sobremesa the essential drink is COFFEE... or tea, but it's less common.
My recommendation: when you visit a Mexican family, don't ever speak about religion or politics, because that could bring a strong discussion that usually becomes a word-fight. Just be cool, sobremesas are for fun!
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